Oh the me of yester-year.... If I had the chance, would I tell the Me of Then what lies in the imminent future? Would I kill the innocence that lay in the belief that the boy you love at 15 might not be who you would still love at 20-something? That the big bad "D" word might not be such a sucktastic thing? That you might be dating again in your late 20's after having been so far out of the game for so long that not only do you not remember the rules, but you're kind of hazy on the concept as a whole?
Which brings me back {finally} to the original query: the A.C.
What happens when you like a boy and you are sort of beyond the stage where it's kosher to send your bestest friend over with a note asking him
"Do you like me or like like me? Check yes or no.".
And by beyond that stage, I mean that people your age have kids who are actually AT that stage. *sighs* And what happens if this person is not so much in your current social circle, but rather someone who is a throwback to days gone by?
Do you:
(a) Covet him from afar, secretly holding on to hope that he will embody the concept of osmosis and figure it out for himself?
(b) Cyber stalk him on Facebook, Classmates or some other such venue? {more to come on this topic, people}
(c) Try and figure out a way to finagle an accidental-on-purpose meeting in order to test your theory that kismet has you and him k-i-s-s-i-n-g-ing in a tree?
(d) Create a diversion, and pretend that it's all a dream? A sordid, slutty dream. {*ahem, N*}
(e) Act like the grown-up you are not and pick up the telephone like a functioning member of society?
I'm torn between (a) & (b). You?